Dues & Retreat
Dues help to cover the costs of activities, including guest presenters, lunches and refreshments, and FWA annual awards.
- $15 for one year, or
- $40 for three years
To verify your FWA status, please review the active membership list
Dues can be paid:
- Online here
- By check to "Faculty Women's Association." Mail checks to the FWA Treasurer ShuPei Wang at 3065 JFSB.
If you have been a member of Faculty Women's Association and aren't sure if your dues have expired, email the FWA Treasurer: ShuPei Wang: shupeiwang [at] byu [dot] edu
FWA Email List
If you are a BYU faculty member (full-time or adjunct) or administrative staff, and you are not receiving FWA emails, you can request to be added to the list by emailing Jane Birch: jane_birch [at] byu [dot] edu
2024 Spring Retreat
The Faculty Women's Association Spring Retreat will take place on Friday, April 19, 9 am to 1 pm at the University Parkway Center (35 E University Pkwy). This is also known as the English Language Center and is just west of the BYU football stadium and Museum of Paleontology.
FWA Member: $10.00
FWA Non-member: $15.00 (Note: Consider paying a bit more to join FWA now, and you can register for $10 as a member!)
Register Online here.
To verify your FWA status, please review the active membership list